Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Evaluation of Ion Exchange Softening on the Leaching of Metals from Household Plumbing Materials.
Author Sorg, T. J. ; Schock, M. R. ; Lytle, D. A. ;
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. Drinking Water Research Div.
Publisher 1995
Year Published 1995
Report Number EPA/600/A-95/100;
Stock Number PB95-253142
Additional Subjects Ion exchanging ; Leaching ; Metal ; Plumbing ; Water softening ; Corrosion ; Pipes(Tubes) ; Acidity ; Lead(Metal) ; Copper ; Zinc ; Water quality ; Water treatment ;
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NTIS  PB95-253142 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 40p
A 16 month pilot plant study was conducted to determine the effect of ion exchange softening on the leaching of metals from household plumbing materials. Two pipe loop pilot plant systems were assembled. Each system consisted of duplicate loops of lead pipe, copper pipe with 50:50 lead-tin soldered joints, copper tubing, galvanized pipe, and brass faucets. The source water had a pH of about 9 and a hardness of about 160 mg/L as CaCO3. One system (control) was fed non-softened water and the second system (test) ion exchange softended water. It was concluded that there was no consisted pattern of higher metal levels from the softened water leading to the general conclusion that the softened water was not more corrosive to the plumbing materials than the non-softened water with the water quality used for this study.