Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) Emission Inventory Handbook. Volume 1.
CORP Author Rockwell International, Newbury Park, Calif. Air Monitoring Center.;Environmental Sciences Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Year Published 1976
Report Number SC553-37FR; EPA-68-02-1081; EPA-26AAI-413; EPA/600/3-76/011a;
Stock Number PB-249 613
Additional Subjects Air pollution ; Urban areas ; Project planning ; Inventories ; Regional planning ; Dispersions ; Atmospheric motion ; Concentration(Composition) ; Monitoring ; Measurement ; Atmospheric circulation ; Diurnal variations ; Periodic variations ; Micrometeorology ; Air water interactions ; Missouri ; Sampling ; Air quality data ; Saint Louis(Missouri) ; Regional Air Pollution Study
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-249 613 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 681p
The Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS), which encompasses the St. Louis Air Quality Control Region, is the largest and most comprehensive attempt to date to obtain a quantitative understanding of urban air pollution. The purpose is to describe the complex relationships between emissions to the atmosphere, atmospheric dispersions and transformation processes, and ambient concentrations of pollutants. In addition, numerous corollary studies are planned under the RAPS 'umbrella.' An accurate, detailed and comprehensive inventory of emission to the atmosphere constitutes a basic input to this understanding. The RAPS emission inventory was planned to provide far more detailed information than has been available anywhere in the past; its aim is to obtain hourly data for key pollutants based insofar as possible, on measured values. Thus, emission data should be available for a base period of a year, commensurate in detail and accuracy with data on ambient concentrations and micrometeorological information gathered by the Regional Air Monitoring Stations.