Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Persistence of DDT Residues and Dieldrin Off a Pesticide Processing Plant in San Francisco Bay, California.
Author Young, D. ; Ozretich, R. ; Lee, H. ; Echols, S. ; Frazier, J. ;
CORP Author National Health and Ecological Effects Research Lab., Newport, OR. Western Ecology Div. ;CH2M Hill, Inc., Corvallis, OR.
Publisher 1999
Year Published 1999
Report Number EPA/600/A-00/02;
Stock Number PB2000-102927
Additional Subjects San Francisco Bay ; Pesticide residues ; DDT ; Dieldrin ; Environmental persistence ; Organochlorine insecticides ; Industry plants ; Ecological concentration ; Bioaccumulation ; Bottom sediments ; Surface waters ; Mussels ; Benthos ; Bioindicators ; Indicator species ; Sampling ; Marine ecosystems ; Richmond Harbor ; West Central Region(California) ; Pacific Coast(California)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2000-102927 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 20p
This paper reports concentrations of DDT residues and dieldrin in surficial sediment, unfiltered near-surface water, intertidal mussels, and epibenthic and pelagic organisms collected from Richmond Harbor more than 25 years after removal of the predominant local source of these contaminants. High concentrations were measured in most of the samples collected. Despite the large concentration gradients away from the source zone, relatively little variability in the tissue/water bioconcentration factors for the mussel, a benthic Gobiid fish, and the pelagic shiner surfperch was observed. This indicates that these organisms are potentially useful bioindicators of organochlorine contamination in estuarine ecosystems.