Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Comparative Toxicity of Six Test Chemicals to Lettuce Using Two Root Elongation Test Methods (Journal Version).
Author Ratsch, H. C. ; Johndro, D. ;
CORP Author Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., OR.
Publisher 1986
Year Published 1986
Report Number EPA/600/J-86/499;
Stock Number PB89-120133
Additional Subjects Herbicides ; Lettuce ; Toxicity ; Plant growth ; Sodium fluorides ; Silver nitrate ; Nitrogen inorganic compounds ; Tests ; Arsenic organic compounds ; Cadmium halides ; Methane arsonic acids ; Fluorides ; Concentration(Composition) ; Reprints ; Lactuca sativa ; Monuron ; Cadmium chloride ; Plant roots ; Urea/N-chlorophenyl-N,N-dimethyl ; MSMA herbicide ; Screening ; D 2-4 herbicide ; Acetic acid/dichlorophenoxy
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB89-120133 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 12p
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., cv buttercrunch) was used to evaluate and compare the results from two different root elongation phytotoxicity test methods with the same six test substances. Seeds were either germinated in the dark on an inclined filter paper substrate with one end immersed in test solution or germinated in 0.1 strength nutrient solution with a 16 hr light period in a glass bulb mixed and aerated with compressed air. Sodium fluoride, monosodium methanearsonate and monuron reduced lettuce root length at similar concentrations for both methods; with cadmium chloride and 2,4-D root inhibition occurred at concentrations approximately one order of magnitude smaller in the solution culture method than in the substrate method. Two orders of magnitude difference were observed between the two methods for silver nitrate. The results indicate that the solution method is at least as sensitive for all the chemicals tested and much more sensitive for some.