Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Developing Economic Impact Projection Models for the Fort Union Coal Region.
Author Hertsgaard, Thor A. ; Coon, Randal C. ; Leistritz, F. Larry ; Dalsted., Norman L. ;
CORP Author North Dakota State Univ., Fargo. Dept. of Agricultural Economics.;Environmental Protection Agency, Denver, Colo. Region VIII.
Year Published 1977
Report Number 77030; EPA-68-01-3507; EPA/908/4-77/009;
Stock Number PB-271 985
Additional Subjects Coal mining ; Environmental impacts ; Economic models ; Economic impact ; Regions ; North Dakota ; Montana ; Wyoming ; Input ; Output ; Economic development ; Mathematical prediction ; Estimating ; Northern Great Plains Region(United States) ; Interindustry relations
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-271 985 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 58p
This report is the initial phase of a study to develop, adapt, and integrate models for evaluating the economic effects of expanded coal mining and conversion in the Northern Great Plains (Fort Union) Region. Work under Phase I was designed to determine the usefulness for describing interindustry relationships in western North Dakota, southeastern Montana, and northeastern Wyoming of input-output coefficients previously developed for North Dakota. The 17 sector model (which includes coefficients collected in Phase I for the coal mining, coal fired thermal electric generating, petroleum and natural gas extraction, and petroleum refining sectors) provides personal income estimates that coincide more closely with Department of Commerce estimates than do those obtained with the earlier 13 sector model. It appears that the input-output model can be used for estimating the potential effects of coal resource development in North Dakota.