Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Area Source Emission Inventory: Hamilton County, Tennessee, and Walker and Catoosa Counties, Georgia. Volume I.
CORP Author PEDCo-Environmental Specialists, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio.;Environmental Protection Agency, Atlanta, Ga. Region IV.
Year Published 1975
Report Number EPA-68-02-1375; EPA/904/9-76/027A-Vol-1;
Stock Number PB-258 137
Additional Subjects Air pollution ; Environmental surveys ; Tennessee ; Georgia ; Inventories ; Counties ; Metropolitan areas ; Particles ; Sulfur oxides ; Carbon monoxide ; Hydrocarbons ; Nitrogen oxides ; Combustion products ; Exhaust emissions ; Mathematical prediction ; Sources ; Estimating ; Methodology ; Total suspended particulates ; Hamilton County(Tennessee) ; Walker County(Georgia) ; Catoosa County(Georgia) ; Chattanooga(Tennessee) ; Air quality maintenance areas
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-258 137 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 141p
This report is an inventory of area sources of air pollutant (TSP, SOx, CO, HC, NOx) emissions in three counties in the Chattanooga area for use in analysis and modeling of air in this AQMA for the period 1975 to 1985. Total pollutant emissions are summarized by category for the base year and three projection years. Survey data, emission estimating procedures, and projection techniques used in this report are presented in detail for each source category. Volume 1 presents a summary of the data obtained.