Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Impact of the Use of Microorganisms on the Aquatic Environment.
Author Bourquin, Al W. ; Meyers, Samuel P. ; Ahearn., Donald G. ;
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Gulf Breeze, Fla. Gulf Breeze Environmental Research Lab.;National Environmental Research Center, Corvallis, Oreg.;Georgia State Univ., Atlanta.;Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge.
Year Published 1974
Report Number GBERL-235; EPA/660/3-75-001;
Stock Number PB-240 159
Additional Subjects Meetings ; Biodeterioration ; Insect control ; Hydrocarbons ; Water pollution ; Aquatic biology ; Pathogens ; Insects ; Fungi ; Bacteria ; Viruses ; Microorganisms ; Lousiana ; Arctic regions ; Tables(Data) ; Bacteria ; Protozoa ; Oil spills ; Water pollution control ; Biological insect control ; Microbial degradation
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-240 159 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 259p
The report contains the proceedings of a symposium-workshop sponsored by the EPA Gulf Breeze Environmental Research Laboratory to determine the possible impact of artificially introducing microbial insect control agents or oil-degrading agents into the aquatic environment. The efficacy and safety testing, especially against non-target aquatic organisms, for use of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa to control aquatic insect pests is discussed with remarks of panel members representing government, academia, and industry. Special attention is given to persistence of pathogens in aquatic environments as well as control of aquatic weeds and other non-insect pests. The use of microorganisms to clean up oil spills in aquatic environments is discussed by industrial, academic, and governmental scientists. Special considerations are given to selection of hydrocarbonoclastic microorganisms and use of these microorganisms in special environments--Arctic regions and Louisiana salt marshes.