Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, coastal plain resource assessment. in accordance with section 1002 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act / Report and recommendation to the Congress of the United States and final legislative environmental impact statement :
Author Clough, N. K. ; Christiansen, Ann Coe. ; Patton, Priscilla C.
CORP Author United States. Department of the Interior.
Publisher United States Department of the Interior : United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Refuge Management [distributor],
Year Published 1987
Report Number n-us-ak
OCLC Number 20455290
Subjects Oil well drilling--Environmental aspects--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Oil well drilling--Social aspects--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Gas well drilling--Environmental aspects--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Petroleum reserves--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Natural gas reserves--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Zoogeography--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Phytogeography--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Animals--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Habitat (Ecology)--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Subsistence economy--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Coastal zone management--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Environmental impact statements--Alaska--Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ; Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Alaska)--Environmental conditions--20th century ; Environmental impact analysis ; Petroleum industry and trade--Environmental aspects--Alaska
Additional Subjects Petroleum--Alaska--Reserves ; Petroleum industry and trade--Environmental aspects--Alaska ; Gas, Natural--Alaska--Reserves ; Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Alaska)
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Volume 1 and the 5 plates (excludes volume 2).
Volume 2.
Volume 1 (text followed by the 5 plates).
Volume 2.
Website that lists all parts of this report and related documents belonging to the ANWR coastal plain resource assessment.
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ESAD  10A004860 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 01/01/1988
Collation 2 volumes : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm + 5 plates (some color ; 99 x 71 cm or smaller)
Five folded plates in pocket of volume 1. Includes bibliographical references.
Contents Notes
v. 1. Report -- v. 2. Appendix (public comments and responses). Contents of volume 1: Introduction -- Existing Environment -- Assessment of oil and gas potential and petroleum geology of the 1002 Area -- Development and transportation infrastructure -- Alternatives -- Environmental consequences -- Oil and gas-national need for domestic sources and the 1002 Area's potential contribution -- Secretary's recommendation -- Summary of consulation and public comments. Plates: Plate 1. Maps of archeological and natural areas, fishery, moose, brown bear, and polar bear resources in the 1002 Area, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska -- Plate 2. Maps of caribou and muskoxen resources in the 1002 Area, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska -- Plate 3. Maps of bird resources in the 1002 Area, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska -- Plate 4. Well correlation sections showing selected data, northeastern Alaska -- Plate 5. Selected seismic lines across the 1002 Area, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska.