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Journal Article 
Long-term testing of vinylidene chloride and chloroprene for carcinogenicity in rats 
Ponomarkov, V; Tomatis, L 
Oncology: International Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment
ISSN: 0030-2414
EISSN: 1423-0232 
Vinylidene chloride (VDC) monomer dissolved in olive oil was given orally to female BD IV rats (150 mg/kg body weight) on the 17th day of gestation. Their offspring were treated weekly with 50 mg/kg body weight VDC by stomach tube from the time of weaning for life span. Liver and meningeal tumours were more frequently observed in treated than in untreated animals, but the total number of tumour-bearing animals was not significantly different between treated and untreated animals. Chloroprene (CP) monomer dissolved in olive oil was given orally to female BD IV rats (100 mg/kg body weight) on the 17th day of gestation and their offspring were treated weekly with 50 mg/kg body weight by stomach tube from the time of weaning for life span. Total incidence of tumours was similar in treated and untreated animals. The data presented provide limited evidence of the carcinogenicity of VDC and no evidence of the carcinogenicity of CP when given by the oral route to rats 
Vinylidene chloride; Chloroprene; Acute toxicity; Carcinogenicity in rats 
• Chloroprene
     Cited 2009 Draft
     Cited 2010 Final