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Journal Article 
Metabolic capacity of nasal tissue: Interspecies comparisons of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes 
Thornton-Manning, JR; Dahl, AR 
Mutation Research
ISSN: 0027-5107
EISSN: 1873-135X 
High levels of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes occur in the nasal mucosa of all species studied. In certain species, including rats and rabbits, unique enzymes are present in the nasal mucosa. The function of these enzymes is not well understood, but it is thought that they play a role in protecting the lungs from toxicity of inhalants. The observation that several nasal xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes accept odorants as substrates may indicate that these enzymes also play a role in the olfactory process. Xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes were found in the nasal cavity around 15 years ago. Since that time, much has been learned about the nature of the enzymes and the substrates they accept. In the present review, this information is summarized with special attention to species differences in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes of the nasal cavity. Such differences may be important in interpreting the results of toxicity assays in animals because rodents are apparently more susceptible to nasal toxicity after exposure to inhalants than are humans. 
Nasal metabolism; Olfactory mucosa metabolism; Nasal respiratory mucosa; Olfactory mucosa 
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