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Journal Article 
Mortality study in occupational exposure to chloroprene 
Romazini, S; Laydevant, G; Lutz, J; Colonna, M; Menegoz, F 
Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement
ISSN: 1775-8785 
This retrospective cohort study is focused on the mortality among workers (599 men and 61 women) exposed to chloroprene for at least two years, between 1966 and 1989. From the 660 included people, 18 were lost to follow-up. Vital status is known, in 1989, for 642 people: 32 of them died. 1bis mortality was compared with the mortality observed within the same area among the basic population, using the S.M.R. approach. Workers do ~ot present any mortality, if the reference is the general population, but earlier expOsed people exhibit an increase in mol:ta1ity, compared with· later exposed people within the total exposed cohort. A nested case-control study shows more clearly this excess of risk among people exposed before 1977 than for people exposed after. These observations coincide with the evolution of the protection rules for 'the exposed workers. To understand the exact nature of this positive association (period effect or duration of exposure effect), it is necessaty to follow the cohort in order to analyze morbidity and mortality from cancer and ~etermine the possible carcinogenic effect-of chloroprene. 
Occupational exposure; Chloroprene; Mortality 
• Chloroprene
     Cited 2009 Draft
     Cited 2010 Final