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Journal Article 
Electron-microscopic findings in dioxan-dependent nephrosis in rat kidneys 
David, H 
Beitraege zur Pathologischen Anatomie und Allgemeinen Pathologie
ISSN: 0366-2446 
Studies performed by Doerr (1949) on the toxicity of the various glycols have demonstrated that dioxane is among the relatively weak substances in this group, while it is counted among the most toxic substances by other authors. After we had investigated the sub-microscopic structural changes of the kidneys after ethylene glycol intoxication (David and Uerlings 1964), we became interested in the question of whether dioxane-dependent kidney damage differ from those caused by ethylene glycol. Dioxane is diethylene dioxide. It is a solvent for nitrocellulose and other cellulose compounds and for numerous oils, fats, rosins and paints and is also used in histological technology (Lehmann and Flury 1938). It is absorbed via the skin and the mucose and according to histological examinations, it produces marked alterations of the liver and kidneys. 
• 1,4-Dioxane - with inhalation update
     Final (2013)
     External Review Draft (2011)
• OPPT_1,4-Dioxane_F. Human Health
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