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Journal Article 
Ecotoxicity test methods and environmental hazard assessment for engineered nanoparticles 
Crane, M; Handy, RD; Garrod, J; Owen, R 
ISSN: 0963-9292
EISSN: 1573-3017 
This paper considers whether current standard ecotoxicity
methods are fit for purpose for assessing the hazards of engineered nanoparticles. We conclude
that the types of test species and biological endpoints used within standard environmental hazard
assessment frameworks are generally appropriate. However, there are areas of considerable
uncertainty associated with characterisation of nanoparticle exposure in test systems that apply
to all ecotoxicity testing guidelines, except those in which dosing of nanoparticles is oral.
These include the way in which the substance is dosed into, and maintained within, the test
medium; measurement and characterisation of nanoparticles in the test system; better
understanding and reporting of abiotic factors that influence behaviour of nanoparticles in the
test medium; and agreement on how dosimetric data should be reported. 
nanoparticle; ecotoxicity; environmental hazard assessment; REACH