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Personal Communication 
Personal communication from F.J. Miller (of Fred J. Miller and Associates) 
Miller, FJ 
The size for respirable particles cited here is the standard used by Berges, and the size used in other studies may vary by standards set by different agencies or even laboratories. Some argue that approximate 50% of 5 µm particles deposit in the alveolar region of humans engaged in activities requiring moderate ventilation levels, particularly associated with oronasal breathing.
"Thus, the respirable particulate size for the alveolar region in humans is more like 7-8 µm." (Personal Commumication (Review comments on EPA Draft nanomaterial report) from F.J. Miller (of Fred J. Miller and Associates) to EPA, prior to Nanomaterial Case Studies Workshop: Developing a Comprehensive Environmental Assessment Research Strategy for Nanoscale Titanium Dioxide, September 29-30, 2009.) 