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Particle Tracking Model (PTM) in the SMS: III. Tutorial with examples 
Demirbilek, Z; Smith, J; Zundel, A; Jones, R; MacDonald, N; Davies, M 
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center 
Vicksburg, MS 
This Dredging Operations and Engineering Research (DOER) Technical Note (TN) is a tutorial with examples of the PTM, developed jointly by the Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP) and DOER Program. This note is applicable to Version 1.0 of PTM. Demirbilek et al. (2005a) describe the PTM interface, and an overview of features and capabilities of the PTM is presented in Demirbilek et al. (2005b). The theoretical formulation and implementation of the PTM are given in a technical report (MacDonald and Davies, in preparation). The PTM is a Lagrangian particle-tracking model that is part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Surface Water Modeling System, SMS (Zundel 2005, Zundel et al. 1998). It employs a Lagrangian method of tracking particle pathways to estimate migration of sediment particles as influenced by waves and currents. For its input, the PTM requires a geometric surface defining the bottom elevation (depth) over which water level, current velocity vectors, and waves are available at each point in the modeling domain. The user specifies sediment sources and model parameters to perform a PTM simulation within the SMS for a given set of hydrodynamic input (waves, water levels, and currents). The SMS includes commands for layout of the sediment sources, specification of the numerical parameters, and management of the Eulerian quantities (water depth, surface elevation, current velocity).