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Journal Article 
Hair follicles - a long-term reservoir for drug delivery 
Lademann, J; Richter, H; Schaefer, UF; Blume-Peytavi, U; Teichmann, A; Otberg, N; Sterry, W 
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology
ISSN: 1660-5527
EISSN: 1660-5535 
Nanoparticles represent an important drug carrier system.
Recently, we have reported on the penetration and
storage behavior of particular and non-particular substances
revealing the superiority of particular substances
in the range of 300–400 nm. In this regard, it was assumed
that the rigid hair shaft acts as a geared pump,
moving the particles deeper into the hair follicle. In the
present investigation, the storage reservoir capacity of
the stratum corneum and the hair follicle infundibulum
and canal are compared. Interestingly, we could demonstrate
a 10 times longer storage within the hair follicles.
These results underscore the importance of the hair follicle
for drug delivery purposes, mainly highlighting new
possibilities for the future concerning retarded delivery,
application frequency, and galenic design. 
Nanoparticles; Hair structure; Differential stripping;
Cyanoacrylate biopsy