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Quantitative health risk assessments have been performed for a number of proposed municipal waste combustor (MWC) facilities over the past several years. his article presents the results of a comparative analysis of a total of 21 risk assessments, focusing on seven of the most comprehensive methodologies. he analysis concentrates on stack emissions of noncriteria pollutants and is comparative rather than critical in nature. verall, the risk assessment methodologies used were similar whereas the assumptions and input values used varied from study to study. ome of this variability results directly from differences in site-specific characteristics, but much of it is due to absence of data, lack of field validation, lack of specific guidelines from regulatory agencies, and reliance on professional judgment. he results indicate that carcinogenic risks are more significant than chronic non-carcinogenic risks. n most instances polychlorodibenzo-dioxins, polychlorodibenzofurans, and cadmium contribute more significantly to the total carcinogenic risk from MWC stack emissions than other contaminants. n addition, the contribution to total risk of all indirect routes of exposure (ingestion and dermal contact) exceeds that of the direct inhalation route for most studies reviewed.


Levin, A., D. Fratt, A. Leonard, F. Bruins, AND L. Fradkin. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENTS FOR MUNICIPAL WASTE COMBUSTORS. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/J-91/038 (NTIS PB91182337), 1991.

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Journal Air Waste Management Association 41(1):20-31, 1991